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What To Expect

We’re all on a journey. The question is ... where are you headed? At First Baptist Friendswood, we will lead you on a path of growth and hope as we discover the fullness of life in Jesus together. On your first visit, it's common to feel slightly nervous. How long will it take to get there? Where will we park? How long will we be there?

Upon Arrival

Our church address is 111 E. Heritage Drive, Friendswood, TX 77546.
Guest parking is right in front of our main entrance on Pecan Drive and can be easily spotted by our large blue guest parking flags! Once you park in guest parking, enter the far left glass doors with the Guest Central sign above them. Once you have entered, Guest Central is to your immediate left. Someone will be there to assist you further.

Sunday Worship - 8:45 & 11:15 AM

Both of our worship services are celebratory in nature. We are a multi-generational congregation that enjoys singing a wide variety of modern songs and well-known classics (Colossians 3:16). Our great hope is to create an atmosphere of worship that exalts the King of Kings. 

Connect Groups

Connect Groups for all ages meet at 10:00 am. Click HERE for class schedules and details.

What to Expect During the Service

We do not point out our guests or ask you to stand. During the Worship Services, you will be given an opportunity to complete a Connect Card. This will allow us to thank you for your visit and express our love to you as a Christian community. We encourage you to stop by Guest Central after service if you have any questions about the church or our ministries. Our worship services last between an hour to an hour and ten minutes. 

We are so excited to have you come visit First Baptist Friendswood! We are always here to answer any questions you may have before your visit!

What We Believe

FBF Basic Belief REDO