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Youth Camp 2024


"I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." Galatians 2:20

Total Surrender

We live in a world where surrender can be a dangerous practice. We think of surrendering as something that you do when you no longer have any reason to keep fighting. But when it comes to surrendering our lives to God, we gain far more than we ever had to lose in the first place. We gain the life-giving relationship that we could never have with God by our own power. We are given an eternity to spend with Him. We gain wisdom and comfort from God, who has an endless supply for His children.

In a world where surrendering seems like a weakness, we want students to see that surrendering to God is the most important thing that they can ever do. Over the course of Total Surrender, we are going to talk about the initial surrender of giving our lives to Christ. But why stop there? Surrendering our lives is not a one-time event, but a daily occurrence that requires faith and focus.

God calls us to surrender our past, present, and future. He calls us to surrender our minds and bodies. He calls us to live as a people set apart in the world, and to live as He has demonstrated. He has called us to totally surrender ourselves to Him in every possible way.

Jesus tells us that whoever loses their life for His sake will ultimately find it (Matthew 10:39). God’s desire for us to surrender to Him is not so that we would be left with nothing but rather that whatever we thought we had before could be replaced with the only thing that we will ever truly need: God Himself.

East Texas Baptist University, Marshall, TX
June 3-7, 2024

Depart: June 3 - Check-in at 7:00am, Family Life Center
Return: June 7 - Arrive at 2:30pm

Cost: $400, includes 100$ non-refunable deposit, camp fees, transportation, all meals while at camp, and t-shirt.

Meals: All meals provided while at camp. Money needed for meals while traveling on June 3rd and 7th.

For students completed 7th-12th during the 2023-24 school year. All students must have a 2023-24 FBCF Student Medical Release and a copy of current insurance card on file. 

Please email Naria Gutierrez: ngutierrez@fbcfriendswood.org to be placed on a waitlist
Click HERE to download and complete FBCF Student Medical Release Form
Click HERE to download and complete Camp Medicine Dispense Form
Click HERE for a list of what to bring/not bring
Click HERE to download and complete the camp waiver & release form

 Camp Theme Days:

Blue Day

Nerd Day 

Old People Day

Please contact Naria Gutierrez, 281-482-7573 or ngutierrez@fbcfriendswood.org if you have any questions.