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Sunday at a Glance for Students

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and is truth about who God is and who we are in Him. It reveals how we bring God glory with our lives and discover true and lasting joy that can only be found in Him. Our Sunday School environment includes some teaching time, primarily by Matt Parker, followed by our Connect Groups. We begin our time at 10am upstairs in the FLC, and then every student in this environment gets the chance to be in a Connect Group. These groups meet around tables and are led by one of our adult volunteers as well as a student on our Student Leadership Team and range from 6-9 students plus the leader.

We are currently studying a Bible Study series called the Gospel Project in which we walk chronologically through the Bible, showing how it all points to Jesus along the way. Since we value formation over information, our desire is that students would not just learn the truths of God’s Word in this environment, but see how it bears weight on their lives so that they can look and love more like Jesus.

Immediately following our Sunday School environment, we head over to our 11am worship service in the Worship Center. Our worship team leads us with a great blend of modern worship choruses and hymns.