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Is it Hot in Here?

October 9, 2022 Series: 1 Samuel

Passage: 1 Samuel 11:1– 13:15

Weddings are beautiful events full of flowers, family, and friends.  Even with the stress of making sure decorations and people are in their proper places, the beginning of a new couple’s life together brings with it hope and optimism for the future.  No one is thinking about how they will deal with moving two spaces worth of furniture into one, or what job/career decisions are right around the corner.  This is where we are in 1 Samuel 13.  Israel has a shiny new king to lead them and the air is filled with optimism and hope.  Even though they rejected God as their King, excitement surrounding Saul and the new monarchy covers over any character concerns with their new leader.


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Honor the Lord, Honor Others

November 13, 2022

Deal or No Deal

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Friends and Enemies in the House